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Solution Overviews and Use  Cases

Proactive Forestry Management: Fostering Resilience Against Emerging Threat

In this brief, you’ll learn how forestry companies globally have begun pioneering the use of advanced technologies to improve forest management.

Detecting and Eradicating Invasive Grass Affecting Pasture and Ranch Land

Once invasive plants become established, they can dominate a landscape – creating monocultures and destroying wildlife habits.

Automated Cutover Mapping With Satellite Imagery

Led by consultation from Interpine, Pan Pac automated the collection and reporting on clearfell areas by using high frequency, 3.7 meter PlanetScope imagery. This resulted in significant time and cost savings for their team, streamlined workflows for end of month and year-end reporting, and improved data accuracy.

The California Forest Observatory: Wildfire Hazard Mapping to Empower Emergency Services

The increasing frequency, intensity, and destruction of wildfires has augured a new chapter in our history – the “Age of the Megafire” – with the state of California as a key witness to the deadly impacts.

Stopping Beetle Devastation in the Forests of the Czech Republic

Assessing EUR200m of timber damage from the 2018 bark beetle outbreak.

Planet Satellite Imagery and Services for the Australian Government

Planet’s data is already helping governments around the world improve their security and surveillance capabilities, in addition to supporting environmentally responsible and sustainable economies.

Building a Sustainable Vegetation Management Approach by Applying AI

Every year, wildfires consume millions of acres of land around the globe. While a variety of factors contribute to wildfire ignition, the increasing climate crisis coupled with electric assets has led to some of the most damaging wildfires globally.

Resolving Inconclusive Parcels in Slovenia with Planet Fusion

Learn more about how a Slovenian National Paying agency is using Planet Fusion to resolve inconclusive parcels.

Satellite Remote Sensing for Mining Facility Management

Freeport-McMoRan (FCX) has a strong commitment to safety performance, environmental management, and local communities where it operates. It is committed to zero catastrophic failures or unplanned discharges from its Tailings Storage Facilities (TSFs). New remote sensing technologies play an important role in meeting this goal and help the Tailings, Crushed Leach and Water (TCLW) team make the right decisions while monitoring TSFs efficiently, holistically, and safely.

Monitoring Permitted Cannabis Operations and Enforcement on Unpermitted Cultivation With Satellite Imagery

How Humboldt County achieved greater compliance and minimized environmental impacts of cannabis cultivation with SkySat imagery.

Estimating Volume Changes for Floodplain Harvesting in New South Wales, Australia

Learn more about how New South Wale\'s Department of Planning, Industry and Environment is leveraging Planet data to help with water resource management.

Linking Ground and Space Systems To Autonomously Assess Wildfires

A Case Study with The Moore Foundation, Moraga-Orinda Fire District, and UC Berkeley

Monitoring Threats to Wildlife and Ecosystems

Learn how FZS leverages Planet data to prove the presence of threatening activity to local law enforcement and protected area agencies so they can take action.

Taking Natural Resource Management Into the Future With Geoplex

The state of Queensland’s Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy (DNRME) manages a vast territory encompassing farmland, forest, and coastal areas that are abundant in resources and services. Leveraging Planet Monitoring, DNRM can monitor land cover and land use change on a frequent basis at scale, enabling them to make more proactive decisions about stewardship and policy.

Tackling Deforestation in Cambodia

Learn how Planet's satellite data, along with a "tip and cue" strategy, help Amnesty International identify and stop environmental abuses before they irreversibly harm people and the ecosystem.

Sustainable Business Report

Hear what Planet’s take is on business accountability in an age of greenwashing in the 2021 Sustainable Business Report published by The Times

Easy, Efficient Forest Project Monitoring, Reporting, and Verification

Lens for Carbon provides an easy, efficient workflow leveraging Planet data for accessing and analyzing forest project attributes and generating clear and transparent reports. Learn more about cutting edge forest monitoring solutions.

Protecting Natural Heritage Areas with Satellite Imagery

How Geocento helped Ireland’s National Parks & Wildlife Service monitor and Conserve Raised Bogs with Planet Data

Planet for Pipeline Operations

Pipeline operators face challenges to reduce operating costs, mitigate risks, all while ensuring impacts to the environment are minimized.  Planet can help with daily global imagery to identify important changes such as new structures, changing vegetation, and more.  Learn more about how Planet helps pipeline operators with environmental monitoring, risk mitigation, and emergency response. 

Monitoring Harmful Algal Blooms From Space

Learn how EOMAP leverages Planet data in their predictive HAB indicator to deliver quantitative analyses and insights into the hands of decision-makers before HABs spread out of control.

Protecting Public Lands With High Frequency Satellite Imagery

The New Mexico State Land Office utilized Planet’s daily Earth imagery to achieve greater compliance, protect natural resources, and generate revenue for the vital public institutions that they support.

Prevent Potential Crop Damage and Preserve Revenue With Satellite Data

Learn how the imagery could have triggered an action to prevent yield loss.

Satellite Imagery for the Government of Malaysia

Discover how Planet’s near-daily temporal imagery cadence and datasets provide an objective source of truth for the Government of Malaysia.

QuickStart Program for State and Local Government

New challenges are emerging for State & Local Governments that require novel solutions. More program managers and GIS professionals are adopting satellite data as a key input for natural resource management and change detection.

Planet Imagery for Land Use and Land Cover Monitoring

Forest and land resource managers are tasked with monitoring hundreds of acres of land that require routine inspections to understand the health and productivity of their assets. But manual field inspections take time, especially in areas of rough terrain and require expensive labor to complete. To protect their forests from disease and degradation, managers need to identify changes in a timely manner.

Monitoring Critical Infrastructure from Space With LiveEO

Maintaining a cleared right-of-way is important for operating electric transmission lines, pipelines, and rail networks. Planet enables frequent high resolution monitoring of these assets to enable operators to manage risks such as vegetation encroachment. LiveEO, a Planet partner, has built a power platform for delivering automated insights into vegetation along linear corridors for encroachment, cutback auditing, tree vitality, and tree species - all critical factors for any vegetation management plan.