Manhatten, July 15, 2016

Tagged by: education and research

Scientists combine both x-ray techniques and satellite data for environmental forensics


Image above: PlanetScope image of Alto Araguaia, Brazil taken November 25, 2022. © 2022, Planet Labs PBC. All Rights Reserved. Soybean production in Brazil has significantly increased over the last twenty years as a result of national and international demand. Following harvest, trucks and trains transport this popular crop to designated shipment […]

Analyzing Urban Populations from Space with Planet Basemaps


Image above: PlanetScope image of Medellin, Columbia taken August 8, 2022. © 2022, Planet Labs PBC. All Rights Reserved. The human population on Earth has been growing at unprecedented rates, and alongside this growth, we have witnessed mass migrations to urban locations. Tracking population changes in these urban environments is critical for […]

Planet Images and Artificial Intelligence Used to Detect Coca Paste Production Sites, Supporting Surveillance Strategies Against Drug Trafficking


PlanetScope image above showing border between Colombia and Venezuela taken on January 31, 2022. © 2022, Planet Labs PBC. All Rights Reserved.  Authorities across the Latin American region are working to strengthen intervention strategies against drug trafficking. However, there are significant challenges to tracking these illegal supply chains, including the monitoring of […]

PlanetScope Leveraged to Evaluate the Impact of Cyclones on Maritime Archeological Sites: An Evaluation of Using Big Data in Archaeology


Image above: Flood waters at Wadi al Hawasinah in Oman taken October 5, 2021. © 2021, Planet Labs PBC. All Rights Reserved. Historically, immense amounts of geospatial data have been used in the field of archaeological research to rapidly and remotely explore inaccessible archaeological sites. This Big Data helped generate robust archaeological […]

Understanding the Downstream Impacts of On-Farm Reservoirs


On-farm reservoirs play a critical role in crop irrigation. They store water during the wet season for subsequent use for crop irrigation during the dry season. In the U.S. alone, there are an estimated 2.6 million such reservoirs. However, storing this water has poorly understood impacts on downstream hydrology and ecosystems. The […]