Posts By
Shelby Parks

Curious Planeteer working to make the Earth's changes visible, accessible and actionable.

How Upstream Tech’s Lens Platform and Planet Imagery Help One Tree Planted Visualize The Future of Global Reforestation


If a tree grows in the forest, but nobody’s there to see it, does it justify widespread reforestation investments? That’s the conundrum One Tree Planted faced as its operations have rapidly expanded in the last few years. The organization helps local communities plant trees to restore habitat for biodiversity,  promote cleaner air, […]

The 2023 Planet Purpose Award Winners


Earlier this year we announced our second annual customer awards! The Planet Purpose Awards recognize and celebrate companies that are leading the way in the respective categories that align to Planet’s core values.  This year the theme is “From Transparency to Action.” While Planet believes transparency and accountability are critical to understanding […]

The Second Annual Planet Purpose Awards


Planet is thrilled to share our second-annual customer and partner awards! The Planet Purpose Awards recognize and celebrate companies that are leading the way in the respective categories that align to Planet’s core values. The five award categories are: Do Good. Recognizes those whose work helps bring transparency to our changing world […]

PlanetScape Ai and Planet’s Professional Services Team Scale the Fight for Human Rights


PlanetScape Ai works with governments and international organizations to support human rights worldwide. Born of founder and chief scientist Andrew Marx Ph.D.’s years of research into genocide, geographic information systems, and remote sensing, PlanetScape Ai specializes in the development and implementation of customized analytic services, leveraging artificial intelligence and high-cadence data streams […]

Planet’s Data Supports Safe and Sustainable Mining Management


Freeport-McMoRan Inc. (FCX) is an international mining company that operates large copper, gold and molybdenum mines. In an effort to support its stated commitment to safety performance, environmental management, and local communities, FCX is using Planet data to monitor and maintain its operations.  Tailings are known as the by-product of mining operations, […]

The Observatory of Extractive Industries (OIE) Shines a Light on the Mining Industry Using Planet’s Satellite Data


Observatorio de Industrias Extractivas, or the Observatory of Extractive Industries (OIE) is a research platform dedicated to providing data on mining companies and other extractive industries in Guatemala. Through an interactive map-based platform, the organization provides critical datasets and official information to help generate reports on the actions of these industries. To […]

Detecting and Eradicating Invasive Grass Affecting Pasture and Ranch Land


Invasive plants such as cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata are wreaking havoc with ranchers, farmers, land managers, and transport companies around the world, and driving concern among environmental groups that fear the impacts on other plants and wildlife. Once invasive plants become established, they can dominate a landscape – creating monocultures and destroying […]

Using Planet Satellite Data to Monitor Threats to Wildlife and Ecosystems


In remote regions of the world or those where political conflicts reduce access to protected areas, researchers and conservationists need solutions for monitoring activity that threatens wildlife and ecosystems.  Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), an international conservation organization founded in 1858 focuses on maintaining biodiversity and conserving wildlife and ecosystems in protected areas […]