Curious Planeteer working to make the Earth's changes visible, accessible and actionable.

Get Definitive Skytruth with Esoterra


We’ve been hearing for months from YouTube commenters, chat rooms, and paranormal investigators that no suitable skytruthing solution currently addresses their rigorous needs. Well, Planet Labs has built the solution to address that gap.

We call it the Esoterra Browser.

Esoterra is our fully-integratable, cloud-based solution that catalogs and maps unexplained fringe events and areas of unique, supernatural interest. In just one week, we’ve successfully captured and orthorectified over 5 million square kilometers of enigmatic Earth imagery including: haunted amusement parks, mysterious islands, and ancient alien geoglyphs.

“We’re really going after new markets here. Our Doves are imaging everywhere, every day— they have a real knack for being in the right place at the right time. Esoterra’s a game-changer for reality TV producers and tabloid editors,” writes Tony Campitelli, SVP Marketing, Planet Labs.

And the applications are endless. Unsure if the truth is out there? Well, just pop open Esoterra and take a look at Area 51… hedge funds can gain invaluable economic insights by counting every vehicle parked in this restricted area:

Area 51, Nevada. Captured April 1, 2016

Precision agriculture experts can monitor field stresses caused by pests, disease, and extraterrestrials.
Our Esoterra change detection algorithm detects crops under stress in California’s Central Valley. Captured on March 27, 2016

International logistics managers can track vessels in the Atlantic Ocean’s paranormal shipping lanes.
Bermuda, Captured on March 23, 2016

Futures traders can discover hidden commodities in the jungle.
El Dorado, Mexico. Captured on March 22, 2016

Local governments can track the movements of temperamental Kaijus with timely before and after disaster imagery. (A note: current resolution allows for Class-2 Kaijus and above)
Kansai International Airport, Runway B. Captured on March 24, 2016

With Planet’s high resolution imagery, tabloids will no longer need grainy black and white imagery to document mysterious sightings.
Loch Ness, Scotland. Captured on March 22, 2016

Esoterra Browser is making supernatural Earth imagery visible, actionable, and accessible. To browse Esoterra imagery, visit our online gallery.