Manhatten, July 15, 2016

launch Blog Posts

44 SuperDove Satellites Successfully Launch on SpaceX Falcon 9 Rocket


Mission accomplished! On January 13, 2022, our Flock 4x, consisting of 44 SuperDove satellites, was successfully launched into orbit on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. These 44 satellites will join our existing fleet of roughly 200 satellites in orbit. We were thrilled to launch once again with SpaceX, who has now brought […]

Planet Signs Multi-Year, Multi-Launch Rideshare Agreement with SpaceX


We’re thrilled to announce a multi-year, multi-launch agreement with SpaceX, solidifying them as our go-to-launch provider through the end of 2025. SpaceX’s Falcon 9 is the world’s most reliable and frequently-flown rocket that offers low-cost rideshare services, making SpaceX a natural choice for us. The first planned launch under this agreement is […]

SkySats 16-18 Successfully Launch Aboard the SpaceX Falcon 9


On June 13, 2020, SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket successfully lofted three of Planet’s high-resolution imaging SkySats along with a batch of its Starlink communications satellites. SkySats 16, 17 and 18 were successfully deployed into a drop-off orbit of 205 x 380 km, 53 degree inclination. Planet’s launch operations team has successfully acquired […]

SkySats 16-21 to Launch on SpaceX Falcon 9 Rideshare Missions


Planet is set to launch six more SkySat satellites (SkySats 16-21) into Low Earth Orbit this summer, rounding out the fleet of 15 SkySats already in operation. SkySats 1-15 operate in Sun Synchronous Orbits, a specific type of Low Earth Orbit that results in the Earth’s surface always being illuminated by the […]

A Successful Launch for Flock 4p on the PSLV


Today, 12 SuperDove satellites (Flock 4p) were successfully launched and deployed into a 500 kilometer Sun Synchronous Orbit by India’s Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV). This marks 25 successful launches for Planet and our 407th satellite launch attempt.  Shortly thereafter, Planet’s Mission Operations team successfully made contact with all twelve satellites and […]

The Story Behind Planet’s Legendary Launch Pancakes


Pancakes are a big deal at Planet. Ever since the launch of Flock 1 in 2014—Planeteers have taken to the frying pan in preparation for each launch event. Originally, the need for pancakes was serendipitous: Planet’s first constellation launch happened at breakfast time on the west coast. The team had been staying […]

12 SuperDove Satellites Hitching a Ride to Orbit on the PSLV


Twelve of Planet’s latest-generation SuperDoves, Flock 4p, are scheduled for launch on November 20, 2019, joining the 26 SuperDove prototypes already in orbit. This Flock will hitch a ride on the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV), an expendable medium-lift launch vehicle designed and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO). As […]