Auckland, June 6, 2016

ecosystems Blog Posts

Detecting and Eradicating Invasive Grass Affecting Pasture and Ranch Land


Invasive plants such as cheatgrass, medusahead, and ventenata are wreaking havoc with ranchers, farmers, land managers, and transport companies around the world, and driving concern among environmental groups that fear the impacts on other plants and wildlife. Once invasive plants become established, they can dominate a landscape – creating monocultures and destroying […]

Using Planet Satellite Data to Monitor Threats to Wildlife and Ecosystems


In remote regions of the world or those where political conflicts reduce access to protected areas, researchers and conservationists need solutions for monitoring activity that threatens wildlife and ecosystems.  Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), an international conservation organization founded in 1858 focuses on maintaining biodiversity and conserving wildlife and ecosystems in protected areas […]

Planet’s Rapid SkySat Data Enables Effective Regional Bushfire Management in Australia


Civil governments around the world are making sustainable strides in local environmental management; and by using satellite-enabled data, they are able to analyze and support preventative management techniques to protect local communities and ecosystems. For example, Forest Fire Management Victoria, a governmental organization located in Victoria, Australia, leverages high-resolution tasking capabilities from […]

Powered by Planet Data, The Allen Coral Atlas Completes Its Mission to Comprehensively Map All of the World’s Coral Reefs from Space


Today marks a major milestone for global ocean science, management and biodiversity conservation. Utilizing more than two million Planet images, ground data collected from around the world, and advanced machine learning techniques, our partners at the Allen Coral Atlas, housed at Arizona State University, have now completed the first-ever, high-resolution spatial and […]