San Francisco, October 22, 2015

Europe Blog Posts

Impact Observatory Leverages Planet Data and AI to Deliver Insights to U.S. Local and National Government


Traditionally, identifying patterns of change on land has been expensive, complex, and labor-intensive, making it difficult to scale to the vast amount of available satellite imagery. To address this challenge, Planet partner Impact Observatory has developed AI-powered geospatial monitoring tools that help decision-makers understand risks and anticipate changes at unprecedented speed and […]

NEO and Planet: Revolutionizing Agricultural Monitoring in the EU


The European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a critical framework designed to support and improve the agricultural sector across member states. However, the CAP’s requirements pose significant challenges, particularly in the area of remote sensing-based Area Monitoring Systems (AMS). Netherlands Geomatics & Earth Observation B.V. (NEO), a Planet partner, is addressing […]

Flash Drought Hotspots: Iberian Peninsula


Authors: Ryder Kimball & Steve Levay Special thanks to: Max Borrmann, Arjan Geers, and Megan Zaroda The Mediterranean climate, once an alluring promise of balmy weather and picturesque sunshine, has adopted more alarming associations. Scorching temperatures and raging infernos this summer have prompted authorities to plead with residents to stay indoors during […]

Early Warning Systems: Monitoring the Oder River with EOMAP


In August 2022, news around the world reported on a mysterious environmental catastrophe which impacted the Oder River in Germany and Poland. Thousands of dead fish were found washed up along the river’s banks. Puzzling scientists and government officials across Europe, this disaster caused analysts to launch robust investigations. Using Planet satellite […]

Planet-led RapidAI4EO Consortium Releases One of the Largest Earth Observation Training Datasets for Machine Learning Applications 


In January of 2021, Planet set out to lead the RapidAI4EO consortium to advance state-of-the-art, continuous land monitoring applications throughout Europe. The initiative was awarded a competitive grant under the Horizon 2020 program to develop improved AI processes and provide critical training data for higher frequency updates of land use land cover. […]

How Planet Data Keeps the Ball Rolling for Sports Teams 


By: Tasha Gillotti and Thamires De Souza Ferreira Modern soccer pitches are more like patchwork quilts than traditional fields. Increasingly large, closed-off stadiums do not allow enough sunlight for grass to thrive naturally, so clubs grow it in nearby fields and retrofit it into their pitches.  But professional players can’t be expected […]

Measuring global streamflow with Planet’s satellite imagery


Blog article written by Stefanie Meier and Paula Fernández del Valle  Measuring streamflow in the world’s rivers and streams is vital to managing water for people, nature, and commerce. This is particularly critical in times of major floods and droughts, when impacts on people, infrastructure, and the economy can be enormous. As […]