Rio Grande, August 4, 2016

aerospace Blog Posts

BASF and Planet: Revolutionizing Agriculture with Digital Innovation


As the global population rises and food demand increases, ensuring access to sufficient, safe, and nutritious food is more critical than ever. For growers, embracing the digital agriculture revolution is essential to building infrastructure and tools that enhance sustainability, both economically and environmentally. Satellite remote sensing is particularly transformative in this regard, […]

Managing Risk in Colombia with High-Res Real-Time Satellite Monitoring


Note: This piece can also be read in Spanish and Portuguese. In Search of Sustainable Land Management Illegal deforestation, unsustainable land use, and climate change pose significant threats to Colombia’s rich and diverse landscapes and the communities who depend on them. Gustavo Marulanda Morales, Director of the Agustín Codazzi Geographic Institute (IGAC), […]

AllSource Analysis Transforms Planet Data Into Actionable Intelligence for Governments and Enterprises


In today’s world, governments and enterprises are constantly confronted with conflict, natural disasters, and unexpected challenges. To respond effectively, they require rapid and accurate data interpretation. AllSource Analysis meets this need by integrating satellite data, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and human expertise into finished geospatial intelligence. Their comprehensive reports provide […]

PSAI: Transforming Global Monitoring with Planet Data


In an ever-evolving world, understanding behavioral and environmental patterns on a global scale is essential for making informed decisions. PSAI is at the forefront of this transformation, leveraging advanced artificial intelligence (AI) and satellite imagery to provide real-time insights that drive meaningful change in national security, human rights, and environmental conservation. Revolutionizing […]

Hala Systems and Planet: A Partnership for Civilian Protection


In conflict zones around the world, the protection of civilians and assets is a critical challenge. Hala Systems, a technology company specializing in innovative solutions for early warning and civilian protection, is at the forefront of addressing this issue.  Hala Systems, with the support of Planet imagery, is creating a resilient, data-informed […]

De Inundações a Incêndios: Como a América Latina Está Enfrentando Desastres com Tecnologia


Note: This piece can also be read in English and Spanish. As mudanças climáticas estão intensificando os desastres naturais na América Central e na América do Sul, desde incêndios florestais devastadores até inundações e deslizamentos de terra. Segundo o Painel Intergovernamental sobre Mudanças Climáticas (IPCC), a frequência e a intensidade dos eventos […]

De las inundaciones a los incendios: cómo América Latina enfrenta los desastres con tecnología


Note: This piece can also be read in English and Portuguese. El cambio climático está intensificando los desastres naturales en Centro y Suramérica, desde feroces incendios forestales hasta devastadoras inundaciones y deslizamientos de tierra. Según el Panel Intergubernamental sobre Cambio Climático (IPCC), la frecuencia e intensidad de los eventos meteorológicos extremos en […]

Impact Observatory Leverages Planet Data and AI to Deliver Insights to U.S. Local and National Government


Traditionally, identifying patterns of change on land has been expensive, complex, and labor-intensive, making it difficult to scale to the vast amount of available satellite imagery. To address this challenge, Planet partner Impact Observatory has developed AI-powered geospatial monitoring tools that help decision-makers understand risks and anticipate changes at unprecedented speed and […]