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Commercial SmallSat Data Acquisition  Program

The Commercial Smallsat Data Acquisition (CSDA) Program was established to identify, evaluate, and acquire data from commercial providers that support NASA's Earth science research and application goals.

Through this program, all federally funded research qualifies for free access to Planet’s vast archive of PlanetScope imagery for scientific use and Earth science applications for societal benefit.

Apply NowSee PublicationsScience Newsletter

Getting started with Planet  data

Rapidly onboard with Planet using a range of self-guided tutorials and guides that help you take advantage of our unprecedented dataset and platform.


Interactive Training &  Education

Live and on-demand training and topical education sessions are held throughout the year. These cover various ways to download and interact with Planet data, ingesting it into your workflows, and research presentations by both researchers and Planeteers. Training sessions are announced in our science newsletter, Planetology. You can also view upcoming sessions and register for free over at Planet University.


Further Information About Planet’s Advanced Satellite Tasking  System

Sign up to receive the monthly Planet Science Update  newsletter.

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